Building Global Community for standards and benchmarks

Pennsylvania Accreditation Center (PAC) is an Independent, International Accreditation Body (AB). It works to serve Global Communities of Businesses and Consumers. PAC accredits appropriately qualified independent third-party Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) Such as Certification Bodies, Inspection Bodies, Testing & Calibration Laboratories and Medical Laboratories to ensure that their competence to carry out specific tasks is as per the international standards & the benchmarks.

Currently PAC is an associate member of APAC, and is seeking to be a signatory member according to the rules and regulations of APAC.

PAC is a trading name for Pennsylvania Accreditation Center Inc. a non-profit organization established in the State of Pennsylvania, USA. PAC is always trying to keep up with the international accreditation standards to give its clients the required international recognition.

How we serve

PAC operates in accordance with the requirements, criteria, rules and regulations laid down in the following documents:

PAC The requirements of the international standard ISO/IEC 17011, General requirements for bodies providing assessments and accreditation of conformity assessment bodies.

The requirements and other benchmarks as stipulated in the Mandatory Documents published by the Regional & International Incorporations APAC, IAF, & ILAC. PAC is also bound by the code of conduct of APAC even before joining.

Legally established objectives as per Memorandum & Articles of Association with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Organization it accredits and recognizes by virtue of these applicant and accredited bodies pledging support for the mission and objectives of PAC and ensuring that their actions are according to that policy. It is an independent, impartial and non-governmental body and makes no claim to be connected with any government.

Our Vision

To have accreditation at the top of the conformity assessment activities, and to give confidences in the competence of the conformity assessment bodies to ensure the credibility of their reports & certificates in compliance with international standards regionally and internationally.

Our Mission

PAC is mandated for providing and applying its accreditation service and maintains an international recognition, improve the competence of Conformity accredited bodies through an impartial mechanism to facilitate the national trade and enhancing national Economy.
To achieve and maintain a Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) with the Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC). Also, achieve and maintain a Multi-Lateral Arrangement (MLA) with the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) and Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) with the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).
To facilitate and participate in the improvement of the State of Pennsylvania, USA quality/conformity assessment infrastructure by providing an internationally recognized and effective accreditation and monitoring system in accordance with international rules and standards.
To help enhancing the reputation of its customer Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) in the USA and abroad.
To increase the competitiveness of goods and products, locally and internationally through the international confidence of the accreditation of the Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) such as: inspection bodies, certification bodies, testing & calibration laboratories.

Global Passport For Enterprises

To help businesses access global markets, PAC is seeking Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) with many economies. These MRAs are crucial in building confidence in the competency and capability of an international network of accredited CABs.

They serve as a global passport for enterprises, help companies gain acceptance in overseas markets and reduce the need for re-testing, re-inspection or re-certification of their products upon entry into importing countries. The international recognition helps companies reduce unnecessary costs and time when entering foreign markets.
PAC is seeking and has developed some formal relationships with the Regional/International Organizations.