International Recognitions of PAC

PAC is a legal entity duly registered in the State of Pennsylvania (United States) Department of State Bureau of Corporation and Charitable organisations with Entity Number 6986344 and recognized by the United States Federal Government with IRS Ref No. EIN Number 84-4086636.

PAC is the Registered Trade Mark of Pennsylvania Accreditation Centre with United states Patent and Trademark Office with Reg. No. 6,225,825 which includes the delivery of accreditation service for laboratories and other conformity assessment bodies, as well as the delivery of professional and management development training. The aforementioned constitutes the legal authority by which PAC operates.

PAC is an Associate Member of Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (APAC), we abide by the requirements of GOV-001 APAC Constitution and GOV-002 APAC Regulations and Codes as required from APAC to all its members.

PAC rights and duties are defined in the formal contracts executed with the organizations that wish to be assessed and accredited to standards such as ISO/IEC 17020, ISO/IEC 17021-1, ISO/IEC 17024, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17065 and are consistent with that which is defined in ISO/IEC 17011 governing the operation of an Accreditation Body.

A cooperation between EGAC and PAC in the fieled of accreditation and understanding the requirements for accreditation in both countries through joint technical cooperation in conformity assessment activities.

A Technical Support Agreement (TSA) establishes a partneship with GETS (German Engineering Technology Service), GERMANY, to provide joint accreditation services to healthcare organizations.


NCSL International has recognized the need to provide the best opportunities for the world's measurement science professionals since 1961. Today this continues to be achieved by networking and exchanging information, promoting measurement education, skill development, and to develop a means to resolve measurement challenges by promoting and supporting, conferences, training events, committees and communities. NCSL International membership welcomes any organization or individual with an interest in measurement and its application in research, development, education, and commerce.

The National Conference of Standards Laboratories (NCSLI) -

The association was founded in 1937 as the American Council of Commercial Laboratories. It was later incorporated in the State of New York as the American Council of Independent Laboratories.

ACIL defines independent scientific and engineering services firms as commercial entities engaged in analysis, testing, inspection, materials engineering, sampling, product certification, research and development and related consulting services for the public. They are not affiliated with any institution, company, or trade group that might affect their ability to conduct investigations, render reports, or give professional, objective, and unbiased counsel.
American Council of Independent Laboratories -

PAC supports itself through the revenues received from its assessment, accreditation and training service activities. The services currently provided by PAC are the following:
Conducting assessments for accreditation and issuing accreditation certificates.
Delivering courses pertaining to the accreditation standards we work with.
PAC assessors carryout their activities in a positive, proactive and professional manner and are sensitive to and cognizant of the business realities of the conformity assessment bodies being serviced.

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