Accreditation Committee
PAC Accreditation Committee has two members, Director of PAC & Accreditation Director. PAC Accreditation Committee Review assessment activities procedure for conformity assessment bodies seeking for accreditation (Certification Bodies - Inspection Bodies - Laboratories - PT Providers). Study the reports of the Technical Committees and verify that accreditation criteria and PAC regulations are applied for Impartiality purpose. Granting, suspending, withdrawing or reducing scope of accreditation for conformity assessment bodies. Making the reviews and taking into account safeguarding impartiality and ongoing risk, once a year.
Advisory & Impartiality Committee
Advisory & Impartiality Committee are ad-hoc, they formed from at least 5 members to provide advice and consultation for different sectors fields in PAC different departments.
Membership of Advisory & Impartiality Committee shall be drawn from the field and include high level technical staff from certification bodies, accredited laboratories, inspection bodies and PT Providers as appropriate, industry and other relevant parties covering the main disciplines and sectors within which it operates.
PAC has available sources of Advisory & Impartiality over the wide-ranging fields within which it operates.
Technical Committee
Technical Committees task is to review CAB assessment reports and all other documents related to a particular assessment to ensure that the accreditation process has been is applied by the assessment team in accordance with the relevant accreditation and technical standards and PAC requirements. Technical Committees provide a review report and a recommendation for accreditation to PAC Accreditation Committee to assist its decision making.
Appeal Committee
The purpose of Appeal Committee is to set up a system for handling of appeals and disputes concerning the decisions taken by PAC relating to the accreditation process. The director of PAC shall appoint an Appeal Committee when the appeal is submitted in writing from the Appellant to PAC.